Residential Home Warranty | Home WarrantyWhy do I need a Home Warranty Inspection?

Home warranties are there to provide an extra financial cushion should you be so unfortunate as to have a defect in your new home and a mechanism to work with the builder to reconcile those defects. Also, many people believe that new homes don’t have any discrepancies because local officials have inspected the house. Unfortunately, a house is built by various subcontractors often working under tight deadlines. With so many components and trades people involved, it is easy for things to be missed by the best builders and/or overworked county or city inspectors! Building inspectors do not spend three hours on each house, we do. Lastly, issues may arise that weren’t obvious when the house was built such as water in the crawl space, foundation settling or roof leaks.

When should I have a Home Warranty Inspection?

Builder warranties do not last forever; in fact most only last for a year. If you do not address problems with your home within one year of your closing date, your builder may no longer be responsible for problems. We perform a comprehensive inspection during your 10th or 11th month of ownership.

What is included in a home warranty inspection?

A home warranty inspection includes:
• A comprehensive and unbiased analysis of the home’s major systems and components;
• A Structural Pest Inspection by a licensed inspector;
• An easy to understand narrative report that includes digital photos of pertinent items that can be handed to the builder;
• Invaluable consultation with the inspector to go over findings and answer any other questions the homeowner may have.

What areas are covered in the inspection process?

Potential problem areas that are evaluated in the new home warranty inspection include the following:
• Roof
• Attic
• Exterior and Siding
• Foundation
• Sidewalks, Patios and Driveways
• Garage
• Electrical Systems
• Interior
• Structure
• Windows and Doors
• Crawlspaces
• Appliances
• Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

As an impartial, third-party inspection company, we do not perform repair work and therefore have no vested interest in discovering or concealing problems. Our home warranty inspections usually take from two to three hours to inspect the property. Also, we recommend that the homeowner attend the inspection so they can see firsthand the current condition of the home and ask any questions during the walk-through.

Got Questions?

To request a sample report, discuss topics such as the scope of the inspection, schedule an inspection or any other questions, please feel free to contact us: Call 360-393-0274